Competition > First Person Shooters

HxC Tournament #4 FFA Map Poll


This poll will decide the map we are using for the FFA at the next HxC Tournament.

This link below will take you to Raiiderxx's Fileshare, there you can download all the maps that are being voted on for the FFA. PLEASE PLAY ALL MAPS BEFORE MAKING A DECISION.

We really need people to vote on this because every map we have done in the past people have had a problem with some way or another. We are giving you guys a chance to decide what you want at the tournament, take advantage of it.

Regicide was updated, power weapons and overshield were removed and mauler was added top middle.

We need more votes then this people.....

Timmy Skorcher:
We might not do an FFA maybe a 2v2.


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